Which speakers do I pick and are they close in quality

Totem Forest or Harbeth 30.2 limited edition. Please help. Are they close in quality and which should I pick?
It is impossible to pick one over the other without careful 
consideration of the following  factors. They are both well built products but VERY different in their respective performance signature sounds.

Simply put,

(1) they are both highly system dependent as to whether they will perform at their best . There is a tsunami of posts on both AGON and CANUCKAUDIOMART about TOTEMS being extremely power hungry and requiring an amp with a lot of grunt ( watts AND amps... WPC by themselves are meaningless and will leave you disappointed. 

(2) Both crave high quality build electronics upstream .... no faking it it with budget gear and certainly no receivers ... full stop

(3) Contemporaneously, your choice of music genre will govern your choice. They are very different ... again full stop.

(4) Last and certainly not least, your room size and it's unique unique acoustics and unique warts therein will have an impact .

without an audition of each , it's a poker shoot. Choose wisely.
Sorry guys.  The Harbeths will have stands bringing them up to the totem height.  It will be powered by a McIntosh 275 IV amp and a Mcintosh C2200 pre amp.  I will also have a McIntosh Mcd 5500 cd player and a AVid Acutus turntable.  Also I have a Isotek Aquarious EVO3 conditioner if that matters.  The living Room is abaou 400 square feet (20 by 20 ft).  I like to listen to soft and classic rock, Pink Floyd type, Marillion etc.  I already have the Totems and they are nice.  Just trying to see if the Harbeth 30.2 with stands are a whole other level where I can justify the trade in and an additional 3 thousand.  The Harbeths look beautiful and sound amazing but not sure if it is worth it.  Thanks
I had the FORESTS in a prior system 

I sold them because they became fatiguing after about a half-hour. There is a littany of posts on AGON and CANUCKAUDIOMART commenting on this .

Paired with your stated equipment, your preferred music genres and your room size ... I would pick the HARBETHS 
Two completley different sounds.

The Monitor 30 isn’t bass heavy but has a beautiful midrange and balanced sound. The Forests are pretty "energetic" sounding and do a fine job filling a room for their size. If you primarily listened to Pop or Electronica I’d recommend the Forests. IMO Harbeth speakers pair nicely with McIntosh gear and you would end up with smooth engaging sound. They may better suit your listening tastes. Only you can decide if it’s worth the price difference. Is an in home audition possible?