Sansui 9090db powers up but no sound

Hello everyone, first let me say that this community is incredible. I learn more by browsing forums than any other resource. 
Today, I discovered a 9090db for sale with the description "powers up but has no sound". 
Before I pull the trigger on a purchase, can you give me a heads up on what may be some factors to this problem?
Also, can anyone recommend a repair establishment on the east coast for this if I buy it?

Thank you for all your wisdom,

Welcome aboard! There are several possibilities that could be the cause from power supply, protection circuit, speaker relay, output transistors etc. These old amps can be great sounding pieces and good bargains on the used market IF you can do the work.

Vintage recievers are ticking time bombs and sooner or later they will need repair, and if you have to send them to a tech the expenses can rack up pretty quickly. Having said that if you come across one in very good condition cosmetically that  you may want to condiser spending the money To have it completely rebuilt including the boards, caps and solder joints etc.

i did that with a marantz 2285b and its been problem free for 8 years.

Best of luck

Also google Terry Dewick mcintosh repair. I belive he is in TN but a friend of mine had him do a 9090db and had very good things to say.

Before sending to service, I would make sure the pre-out/main-in jumpers are there and installed correctly. If they are missing or installed incorrectly, that will result in no sound. See lower left side of this picture,

Also, if either of the "Tape Monitor" switches is pushed in, that will prevent anything else from playing.