Speaker distance

What are your current speakers and what is the distance between them?
Spendor sp100s, 6 feet apart, my ears around 3 feet in front, strong toe in so I can just see the inside plane of the speakers. The Spendor’s are way out in the room, with about 8 feet behind them to the back wall. REL G1 sub in the right back corner. I have been listening near field like this for the past 15 years, and it’s great. On good recordings, they disappear and project sound all around me, even behind me. 
Geoffkait, is the signal both in and out of phase pink noise? Where can I buy this test disc? I am using multichannel 5.1 and have 4 ceiling speakers for Atmos. My preamp has a room correction software built in and has a test where you can see the plots pre and post and can move the speakers in real time. I wish there was a way to find the best location in home theater usage. I have always thought of remote controlled speaker bases that can move the speakers while you sit in your listening position. Also it could be integrated with the room correction so the software could move the speakers while sending the test signal. I am using Anthem AVM 60 and the correction is called ARC. I agree with your idea that there is only one correct position just wish it could get done by the equipment with built in software. Very interesting DIY room treatments on You Tube.
Dynaudio C1 Confidence Platinum 
6 1/2 F center to center .
2 1/2 F away back wall 
Room treatment as well .
Geoffkait, is the signal both in and out of phase pink noise?


Where can I buy this test disc?


I would say “it depends...” but as a general rule, I divide the distance between the two walls on either side by three, mark the two spots, stick the speakers there and then move them back ‘n forth until I got the spots.

For example, a 21 ft wide room would have the speakers start at 7 ft apart, then go to maybe 8 ft, maybe (likely) 9 ft, maybe 6.5 ft.

Too far far apart and you end up with a hole in the center.

Also at least 4 to 5 ft from the rear walls.

Talkin’ ‘bout my Altec 604Cs.

My two cents.