Needle Clinic

I sent a ZU/Denon DL103 cartridge to Andy at Needle Clinic in Washington State on Tuesday. He received it on Thursday and on Friday (yesterday), he sent me a message that it is ready to be shipped back to me. I had him replace the cantilever and stylus with a new one of the same. Cost was 208.00 including shipping and I should receive it on Tuesday.

That makes it exactly 1 week from time I shipped to him to when I get it back and the price was very reasonable. I will report back once I have mounted the cartridge. That is what I call great service.
I went with the standard cantilever and stylus (aluminum and conical).  I did that because the cartridge worked so well with my Rock collection that I didn't want to change the tonal character.
He retipped my Glider a few years ago.  It sounded better than when I received it from benz.  lol