Recordings with incredible effects or imaging that we may not know about

I thought this could be fun and actually helpful for some of us wanting something different in our collection. 
One recording that I show off my system with is 
Supertramp - Even in the Quietest Moments.... at the beginning of this track,  there is a bird chirping,  on my system, it is about 3 feet beyond the left speaker and about 10 to 12 feet up,  this bird flies forward, then turns and comes right above your head.  Above your head, it is about 8 to 10 feet up,  it then turns and flies away going right above the right speaker and disappears into the distance.  
So,  what else is there out there that we should all know about that you just know we would all like to have in our collection.  
Please let us know,  Tim 

Turn the lights out and listen to Jean Michel Jarre Oxygen!

Duran Duran Tiger Tiger has the circling thing - in fact many albums had that affect - Ultravox used effects to.
Beach Boys Caroline No (train crossing dogs barking at the end)
Just cleaned my above reference... limitless boundaries and unlimited depth..!
Jennifer Warnes- The Hunter has a couple nice ones with good sonics

Another Beach Boys one is Surfs Up with some cool sonic goodies 

Trixie Whitley did one with, I can't remember his name offhand, that has some ear goodies. Black Dub is the record. 


All are CDs…. All are fabulously well recorded.
Urban Jazz Coalition – Long Street & Mama’s Eyes
Infinite Journey; Pleasure Seekers; Mama’s Eyes
I call this group an acid jazz type. Although their music is predominately progressive. Many ear candy cues in the above listed albums, especially those I pointed out.

Spyro Gyra – 20/20
An anniversary collection. Loads of birdies.

Milt Jackson – Vibraphone player par excellant. ‘burning in the Woodhouse’ album is a good example or smattering of his abilities. Other Jaqckson albums show off his talent and spread his instrument our in front of the speakers and beyond their actual limits. Outstanding demo with tube power. Impacts, sustains and decays are remarkable.

Larry Carlton Sapphire Blue – title cut. Incredible show of drums as the finale. In all, an incredible jazz rock & blues fusion. It always is a crowd pleaser.

Illinoisw Jacquette – Jacquette’s Got it… pretty much the entire album although not in the LSD ear candy mode, but in the solo’s during the various cuts. The tracks range from tried and true covers whose tempo alters enough to satisfy most, even non jaz aficionados. He did this album at age 80 with the Harvard band a 16 or 17 piece big band that comes off A+ across the board with drive and fidelity, location and timber.

Paul Simon – Graceland remastered > Homeless. An acapella rendition which hangs each voice in its own space solidly again, laterally across the listening area and well beyond the speakers. Scary cool sounding. Tangible. The space about the singers is captured similarly and just as well.

For sound effects and special cues, and If you can find these or still have them:
Firesign Theater – pick one, they’re all great. Personal favs: Don’t Crush That Dwarf; waiting for the Electrician
Monty Python – again… it’s a pick ‘em affair.
Plenty of positional cues and sound effects. Loads of ancillary ongoing side tracks which propels two scenarios simultaneously.
Both are hilarious yet worth playing on the ‘big rig’.

60s stereophonic mixing tid bits
Spirit – 12 Dreams of Dr. Sardonnicus
Quicksilver Messenger Service – What About Me… and others.
Jimi Hendrix – electric Lady Land

Most tracks on "Welcome Oblivion" by How To Destroy Angels have layers and layers of sound to dig through.