Montana Speakers? Have they fizzled out?

They got a lot of press a few years ago, now their flagships are on Audiogon at a small fraction of their cost.


I don't know how you found a thread that seemingly died 6 years ago, but I am glad you brought it back from the dead.

I own the XPs (not XPS) and also a center. These speakers have never sounded as good in my system as the guy I brought them from. They have always sounded a little too hot for me and bass-shy.

That being said, I am guessing those short-comings have more to do with synergy, or lack thereof in my system, than with the speakers themselves.

I am currently using a Butler amp (5150) but I think I need to go solid state with these and also high-current. I definitely did not think things through when I purchased the speakers. They have been a mismatch for my room and the equipment I used. I mean, they were $15K retail at the time I bought them and I am certain I have never give them a chance with the equipment I bought (could afford).

I am going to try them in a different configuration in the room (along the short wall) and also move them downstairs to a room much larger in size. So, suggestions for amps? I am considering Class D such as Hypex Ncore. As much as I would like to try Pass, or even PBN's own amps - they are just too far out of my budget range, even used.
Maybe take a look at Liberty Audio. Peter has a new amp there that sells direct and may be in your price range, and obviously it should have some synergy with PBN speakers since he builds both. Doubt it would add any warmth though if that's what you need or are looking for. Best of luck.
NCore based (Merrill Audio) and H2O amps both sounded great on my WAS-2. Was with a tube preamp though, FWIW.
Other pieces of equipment in the chain are a Lector Zoe pre-amp and a Raysonic CD-128 CD player. Personally, I think all of these pieces are fine in their own right but, as I mentioned before, it may be a synergy issue or, probably more likely, the room.
I have a pair of ESPIIs and have always wondered why they were not discussed much on this forum. The sound, to my ears, is very musical and I cant imagine trading "up".