Is there any danger in leaving a class D amp on unattended for ten days?

I recently obtained class D (Red Dragon monoblocks) amps.
I have left them on continuously for about a week, and they seem to be improving sonically with every day.  I am planning to be away for ten days starting next week. Is it unwise to leave them on unattended for this period?  
Solid state amps,  and especially digital converters much better when left on .
Class A amps shut off they suck up power.  When runnjng in gear,I have s Vacuum tube preamp and sometimes left on playing music for 2weeks straight. I have even left  Vacuum tube amps on for several days before. But not as comfortable as with a SS amp. 
I have all my gear on UPS protected circuits and running / air conditioned in a rack 24/7. Heat is the enemy. I had a shunt trip breaker installed and if there’s smoke or if the AC fails it cuts power.
I unplug my system when leaving for weeks...and I do believe it sounds better when left on...
My system is on all the time. Like markalarsen, the only time the system is off is if the power goes out.