Looking for thoughts from Nottingham Analog table owners

Really like the looks and the build quality of the Nottingham tables, and it does not hurt that I am originally from Nottingham, England to start with...lol
But I have read a few reviews that claim they are pretty tricky to set up and some suffer 60hz hum fairly easily?
Would like to hear from actual owners, your arms, carts etc
Would be upgrading from a Funk Firm Vector with Grado Gold which is deathly quiet as far as hum and in its own right is very musical in my rig.
Thank you

My goto comparison recording is crime of the century by supertramp.

This I have on vinyl, cassette, CD, ripped to vault as wav file and finally stream from Tidal at 192 MQA.

I still find the vinyl to have more life for want of a better description.
All the digital mediums still sound more sterile but that also could be the DAC involved.

Have also just been on a deep clean session of my vinyl collection, about quarter way through but albums have played so far show a nice reduction in surface noise.
A very respectable recording and not surprised it is your goto....I have the original 1974 A&M release, the 1980 Mobile Fidelity, the 2008 180gr. release and they all sound different, however slightly, but different and of the bunch I'd nod towards the Mobile Fidelity on my system with the Spacedeck/Spacearm/Sumiko Blackbird. 

You're right, all DACs are not created equal and that can make a huge difference!  Just the other day a friend brought over his PS Audio DAC and it blew my Oppo clean out of the proverbial water!  And the Oppo was an improvement over the one in my Rotel which for a long time I thought was no slouch.  

Good for you, uberwalz, cleaning, as has been said, "is a ritual" and that holds true for us vinyl-lovers.  Once you start and perfect the process, it can indeed yield grand rewards.  I'm about 60% through my collection. My procedure now is to find an album I haven't cleaned yet that I want to hear, clean it, wait until sunset (which is a magical listening time for me) and give it a spin.  I have found countless new titles in my uncleaned section this way by artists that I otherwise would not likely have discovered and had huge enjoyment!

Let us know over time what your impressions on the Spacedeck are, and enjoy!

uberwaltz and anovak,

”Crime of the Century”  Certainly one of my favs; Highly recommend that you find a MFSL/UHQR. No better recording of it that I have heard. Sure it might be a bit Spendy but it will certainly become your go to copy.

I follow vinyl cleaning methods as outlined by “Rushton”  My prized recordings take 20 minutes per side if I stay focused.  If / when my audiodesk bites the dust; I will go the DIY route. But US cleaning is a must with any method/system.

Happy New Year

Good point about the MFSL/UHQR......a friend has it and as good as my regular MFSL is, it is indeed a notch up!  

Happy New Year to you as well and all the good folks here on the forum!

Thank you,I will look out for that one.
And indeed happy new year to all.

Good luck with the new cueing mechanism!