Jadis DA60 with Separate Preamp

Can theJadis DA60 work with a separate preamp?
Google is your friend, a picture of the back panel shows a pre-amp in input.  For confirmation, suggest you PM member Trelja, he can probably tell you.
Thank you, Michael.

Yes, you can.  Having owned more amps than I can remember, and finding the DA60 the best, the question remains, why do you want to?
Thanks Trelja;
I love the DA60 very much, especially now with the Wilson Sophia 2.  I am just wondering if connection my  Hovland HP-100 with MC phono to it will make it even better.  IMHO, I like the DA60 more than my Burmester 911.
@gmbt2k the Hovland is a honey of a preamplifier.  Interested to hear how it compares.

Two questions, if you are willing:
1. What tubes are you running in the DA60?

Jadis components, including the DA60, show as much reflection of the tubes employed as anything on the market.  I find it amazing how much more mine provided me once I put that effort into it

2. What sort improvement(s) do you hope for?

Also, if you want to hear, I can lay out what I feel represent the DA60's weaknesses.  No matter what people think, EVERY component has flaws