Breaking: Paramount/Dreamworks go HDDVD exclusive

Stunning announcement today:
This is great news.... but I think this will just polarize the playing field and make people wait to buy (seeing who will win) and in the end STUPID dual players will come down in price.

It's cheaper to make HD-DVD's and the equipment is more available.. hence the porn industry changing (Couple of producers that Sony won't let use their pressing facilities) their backing from Blueray to HD-DVD...
Go check out the latest news on the format war on Seems blu-ray is already fighting back.

Fox and MGM have been BD exclusive for a long time but have released very little. With Fox I'd wait it until movies are actually out as they have made these announcements in the past and never met their release list.
This is all sort of like , opening chess moves of sorts. I still see HD-DVD making good moves while the Blu Ray side just spends a lot of money. I also still prefer HD-DVD hardware strongly. It just makes more sense. AS far as more shockers, when Walmart opens the Christmas season with 150 dollar HD-DVD players the whole thing is gonna move in one giant direction, as folks grab their HD-DVD players and movies as well- BlURay players are too expensive right now.
And if there are millions of owners of Chinese HD DVD players, I would suspect some percentage of them would start screaming to the suppliers to put out more HD DVD titles.

If the HD DVD customer base grows large enough, creating the demand, that should supersede questions of ownership, who pays royalties to whom, and studio alliances.

After all, even Sony eventually threw in the towel and started making VHS machines in 1989.

The requirement to make this scenario happen is that the Wal-mart HD DVD players have to work well and reliably.

Again, HD DVD also has the advantage of making hybrid disks, so one SKU covers both the standard and hi-def markets.
fatparrott is correct....follow the porn sales today, to see where the industry goes tomorrow.