Schiit Yggdrasil -- 21 bit?

Schiit says that Yggdrasil is a 21 bit DAC. But the DAC chips that they put in the device ( Analog Devices AD5791BRUZ, 2 per channel) are 20 bit with the error of plus-minus 0.5 LSB.

How can the DAC be 21 bit if the chips are 20 bit? Using two chips per channel does reduce the RMS voltage of the noise by  a square root of 2. But how can you get to 21 bit from there?

Can someone please explain.
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Really?!? Schiit said it would void the warranty if someone used a different fuse???

Yes, according to folks posting here
See the most recent posts dating back from 1/18 to a few weeks prior.

...How long did you find it took for the upper midrange glare to subside?...I hear - from the site - that it’s somewhere around 200 hours that that sound goes away. Did you experience that with your unit?

Can't really say/write. I never heard anything "glaring" from the Yggy per se. It sounded good right out of the box. When I first got it I went through all kinds of listening tests from a comparison perspective to my existing gear. I documented my findings in this thread.

As documented in that thread, I eventually found source music material that *clearly and consistently* could be used to demonstrate how well the Yggy can "best" my Oppo and Emotiva, which now act as transport. However, I honestly cannot be sure if that discovery was a result of "break-in" or my increased understanding as to what specific qualities to listen for. I'm inclined to believe it is the later. 
Really?!? Schiit said it would void the warranty if someone used a different fuse???
And rightly so, because many of these snake oil fuses are blowing, so "fusers" are going up in amperage from the original fuse rating, so if anything untoward happens and the fuse doesn't blow quick enough, the equipment could be severely damage or worse catch fire.

Cheers George    
Ok, thanks dhal.

George, I have yet to have a fuse blow ANY of my components, and I have every good one on the market. I use the exact fuse rating specified, so I’m unclear what others are doing wrong.
As far as the Yggy, I have no desire, given that every review of it in the major magazines is using it in stock form, to feel the need to "improve" it. I’m usually surprised people feel the need to modify, but then, I’m no technician. It it sounds like a cello playing - and I know what a cello sounds like from 3 feet away - I don’t need for it to be any better than that.
But to say that the fuses are "snake oil," unless you’ve tried them, is unfair and unknowledgeable. I’ve used 5 generations of Synergistics, 3 of Hi Fi Tuning, Furutechs, Audio Horizon and AMR. Additionally, my late buddy, HP, the founder of The Absolute Sound, used the HiFi Tuning fuses (which I’d used as well) in his Silver Circle conditioner and one or two other components, and we both agreed - independently of each other - that they DID improve the sound. I just don’t use them in every single piece of equipment, because after a while, you stop enjoying the music when you’re so busy modifying the equipment. (Not to mention, EVERY generation of modification generates that tiresome word "AMAZING.") I get tired of everything being ’amazing,’ given how neurotic we audiophiles can be. Not to mention, it’s as though our vocabulary is that of a 10 year old, where everything is "awesome."

That’s how I burned out from enjoying music the first time (’81 - ’98), when I had several state-of-the-art components and just kept spiraling upwards with the latest and greatest (and ended up economically poorer - and less enchanted by music, which is my First Love). And I’m not anxious to be treating equipment as a test bench experiments. I leave that to John Atkinson. I find good room acoustics, electricity and isolation allow most equipment to perform as it was made to. And we didn't even have power cords, fuses, isolation devices back in 1988, and yet music was beautiful. And pure.
But fuses DO work, if used correctly.

But fuses DO work, if used correctly.

Is there a way of using a correctly rated AC mains fuse the wrong way??
Or are you saying that they are directional??

Cheers George