Really?!? Schiit said it would void the warranty if someone used a different fuse???
Yes, according to folks posting here
See the most recent posts dating back from 1/18 to a few weeks prior.
...How long did you find it took for the upper midrange glare to subside?...I hear - from the site - that it’s somewhere around 200 hours that that sound goes away. Did you experience that with your unit?
Can't really say/write. I never heard anything "glaring" from the Yggy per se. It sounded good right out of the box. When I first got it I went through all kinds of listening tests from a comparison perspective to my existing gear. I documented my findings in this thread.
As documented in that thread, I eventually found source music material that *clearly and consistently* could be used to demonstrate how well the Yggy can "best" my Oppo and Emotiva, which now act as transport. However, I honestly cannot be sure if that discovery was a result of "break-in" or my increased understanding as to what specific qualities to listen for. I'm inclined to believe it is the later.