Earliest "MOST WANTED" gear

OK, some of us have been on this merry go round longer than others. I checked in in 1976, age 16. Typical teenagers, I wanted a turntable, receiver and speakers. A tape deck down the road and a decent used car once I got a license.

I envisioned my 1st system- a Dual turntable with a Shure cartridge, AR bookshelf speakers, and as for a receiver, I liked Tandberg and Marantz. Predictably, my 1st system did not look like that at all, though over the years out of a fit of nostalgia I have owned all of that stuff, even if for under a year (and then sold it to another person trying to satisfy earlier desires). Well, at least I envisioned a Teac tape deck and that's what I eventually bought.

What was the "system of your dreams" before you dipped your toes into the water?

zavato OP
  Earliest "MOST WANTED" gear

1977 Mark Levinson ML2 monoblocks, huge, heavy, very hot. Pure Class-A 25w into 8ohms, YES only 25w.
But can drive anything even the nasty Wilson Alexia MkI with a .9ohm!!! load in the bass perfectly to a certain level. Not for headbangers. Best amp ever for Quad ESL57's

Just one of a pair:

Cheers George

My first really serious system, about 1975, was a Harmon Kardon Citation 2 power amplifier, with a Citation 1 preamp, rack mounted in a nineteen inch military rack 7 feet high, which also contained my Technics SL-1100 turntable, which was on a drawer slide, and equipped with a Rabco linear tracking arm. Also in the relay rack was a Hammerlund SW and AM receiver, which I used to tune in Beaker Street which was broadcast from Little Rock after 10:PM. The speakers were Altec corner horns with dual 15" woofers; but the High End bug bit when a friend brought over a set of Fulton Musical Industries (FMI) 80s...
My first real system was purchased in 1978 at Alan Audio in Bloomington, IN. Advent 300 receiver, New Advent speakers, and a Micro Seiki MB-14 turntable. No idea what cartridge they put in it. Lots of records available at the used record stores for $2-$3 apiece. My 15 watts/channel blew away just about everyone else on my dorm floor.

Those were the days.   :-)

18 in 1978 - Actually bought Sansui G4500 and Infinity RS-Bs(?) 3 ways.

Also liked the Polk 10Bs. 

1968: AR 3a Loudspeakers & XA turntable

1970: ESS TranStatics, McIntosh electronics

1971: Infinity Servo-Statics, SAE electronics

1972: Magneplanar Tympanis, ARC electronics, Revox A77, Thorens TD-125/SME 3009 Improved/Decca Blue