Would love some feedback / Denon DL-S1 / phono match / cart recomendations

Would love some feedback / Denon DL-S1 / phono match / cart recomendations

- Vinyl newbie and need some help

- Friend has a brand new  Denon DL-S1 for $600 - good deal?

- I have a Mark Levinson No.326s preamp and just bought the dual mono MM/MC Phono module boards. They are the identical boards from the No,32 preamp and read that was a very nice sounding phono preamp.

- No.326s only has a couple settings 42db or 60 db and 47k ohm or 200 ohm load

- I picked up a used Bob's Device 1131 thinking it would help as my No.326s has limited setting options and read the 1131 might not work well with this cart. That this cart is tough to get the most out of but can be great.

- Should I get another cart? Was it a mistake getting the 1131 SUT. I read the No.326s sounded nice with this SUT so went for it but don't know enough to really know better either way but trying to learn.

- The No.326s phono boards has these little gold terminal screws with easy tighten by hand little knobs on the heads of the screws to add either capacitor or resistor to make the phono very adjustable but would have no idea how to figure out how to use that but thought to mention

- just wondering if this is a bad cart for me to try with my phono and SUT set up and any feedback about anything related to a cart would be super appreciated if anyone reads this. Thanks

more info if helpful below but not need to answer my question just thought to add it :)


I just finished up a full system re-fit with some tweaking here and there still to do but I am extremely happy with the sound I’m getting today from my new to me system. I sold my entire old system that was tubes and high efficiency speakers and got new to me: speakers, amp, preamp, speaker cables and upgraded digital transport and got a new turntable. Kept my DAC never changing that. Love my DAC. 

This system is the best I’ve personally ever had. I’m pretty psyched - so psyched I just added a turntable. 

A modern Version of the VPI Prime Aries with HRX Feet, 10" 3D Arm and Base, Prime Signature Platter, Ring and Motor. 

I am looking for a cart and my friend has a new Denon DL-S1 for $600 he also has a  used but good shape Clearaudio Accurate mc cart for a few hundred but i never heard of this one and a  van den Hul blackheart grass hopper which I know nothing of.

I thought because the Denon is new never used that was the best option but any of you know anything about the other let me know please.
Would love some feedback / ideas / thought recommendations and help. I’m a digital guy and want to give vinyl and honest to goodness try.

As stated above I just purchased the dual mono Phono board modules for my
Mark Levinson No.326s linestage so it’s now a full function Preamp and added a Bobs Device 1131 SUT and both were attained a very reasonable cost which was great!

Just not sure if these carts will go with my phono and SUT.

Rest of my System:

- Magico S5 Loudspeakers
- Pass Labs X350.5 Amplifier
- Mark Levinson No.326s Preamp/phonostage
- Bricasti M1 Special Edition DAC
- PS Audio P10 Power Plant
- Kubala-Sosna Emotion SC’s
- Nordost/Cardas IC’s
- Assorted PC's Verastarr/Cardas

- Digital PC based front end that I have been tweaking and evolving:
- Sonore microRendu 1.4
- Full Suite of UpTone Audio Gear
(2) x LPS-1 Ultra Capacitor PS
JS-2 Linear Power Supply
(2) Regens - ISO/Amber
- (8) Canare / Oyide DC cables
- (2) Breeze Audio 12v LPS
- Tellurium Q Black Diamond Reference USB cable
- Curious Regen Link USB Cable.

This Digital Front End beat out: Lumin, Antipodes, Naim and Auralic servers. It needs everything to work so well but man does it work great. My hope is that a turntable can complete and wish some luck I end up liking it better. That’s why I’m asking for help. I want to put my best vinyl foot forward 

** Back Ground info**

** Room is **
14 x 24 w/Cathedral Ceilings - 16 Foot a peak

** Music likes **
Assorted Music but no metal or loud hard rock anymore really - not much Large Scale classical either but everything else. I listen just loud enough to sound its best but not a loud listener. I enjoy normal levels.

** Likes / Priorities **
Transparency - Delicacy - Linear - High resolution - microscope but not sterile not etched or lifeless -some natural warmth and life to the music is key  but love that see through transparency and love precise soundstage - remove as many layers without being clinical - tight bass - hate flab - but don’t need worlds greatest slam but love speed and accurate bass while being musical.

** Perspective **
I’m only a couple months into this new system and I was struggling to get the right Preamp and tried a half dozen or so searching for the right balance and the one that could bring my new system together like only the perfect matching preamp can do. Each system is different so really it must be heard to know it’s what you want. I believe in the Preamp and knew If I could find the right match it would change everything. Well that was the hope.

To make a long story longer the Mark Levinson No.326s preamp did this and more. I was hedging my expectations based on the disappointments of the others I tried and failed but the No. 326s nailed it and honestly it an incredible Preamp and then some. I was so happy I decided to upgrade and add the built in phonostage option and SUT and Turntable here we are trying to chose a cart.

Really appreciate any help you can provide! I know this is kind of long but wanted you guys to know where I’m coming from! If you would like more info please let me know - all comments and feedback are most welcome and deeply appreciated :)

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
folkfreak - great technical advice. Thank you 

I was worried about spending all my money and trading away my SUT for a cart that I have no idea about. Don't know anything about the private seller and yes right it's not a great deal and I make a point to try and stretch my audio dollars as farrrrrr as I can. Wish I knew the seller or background that would be different.

My buddy who I trust whole heartily will sell me his Clearaudio Accurate for $500 - a $100 less than the Denon and one of the other helpful folks on this thread told me it was second from the top back in the day. My buddy said its got maybe 40 - 50 hours tops but more like 30 on it and has had it in his large stash for years. Wish I new more about this one. I don't even know the spec on it or what to worry about set up wise.

Anyone have an idea or any thoughts. I already sent him the money and he will ship me whatever cart I ask for. 

Just checked UPS and my table has made it local a couple towns away to the UPS warehouse and is being delivered on Monday. So excited... I will post pics for you guys...

Here is my new phonostage and table pics when it comes



The ''stylus fear'' and the ''level of ignorance''. My advice is to

first read what J. Carr wrote about ''carts repair''. The least

problem by comparison with cantilever and suspension change

is the stylus only exchange. Gluing the stylus in the existing

cantilever is more difficult than gluing the cantilever/stylus combo

on the so called ''joint (aluminum) pipe''. My friend Axel Schurholz

with + 40 years experience refused to do this job anymore. Two

years earlier he glued his best Shibata in my Blue Oasis for 200

euro. The usual boron/ Shibata combo cost 500 euro. We all have

heard about problems with (boron) cantilevers supply but even

bigger problem for the retippers is to get the right ''dampers''.

EMT is typical manufacturer who still need to solve this problem.

Their dampers are still worthless. About coils we can be short.

No retipper is willing to mess with coils. So defective coils are

the ''worst case scenario'' by second hand carts.

The ''Expert stylus'' site is not very informative but they also produce

styli. They produced those ''Stanton  styli''. My guess is that they

also produce Replicant for Ortofon. Anyway one can get their

''Paratrace'' ( a version of micro ridge)  stylus for about 180 GBP.

 This work (gluing the stylus in the cantilever) can only be done by

''masters'' because this work presuppose special skills. A cart

manufacturer would need to hire such person for this kind of work.

No wonder no manufacturer does this work. They prefer exchange

 of the whole generator instead. Those are produced as separate

parts and installed in different bodies (say Koetsu). My Koetsu

Rosewood Signature was ''refurbished'' this way but for 2200 euro.

 For ''big spenders'' who don't care about money, like some

Mexicans, this is obviously of no interest whatever. So such persons

 recommend ''refurbishing'' by the manufacturer. So in order to make

 their point they compare the situation with an Ferarri. Whatever may

 be defective one would be stupid to let ,say , some American garage

 to do the job but should post his car to Italy to the ''real 

manufacturer'' for ''refurbishing''.

Well it is easy to state that others are stupid , ignorant, have low

level learning curve, etc. ''qualifications''  but as one of our members

 just advised : ''look in the mirror man''  .

Dear @folkfreak : You are rigth that always is riscky to buy a cartridge second hand and that always before that you have to know and ask everything you posted. I agree with you.

Problem with the people that can't afford cartridges  over 5K the only and best alternative always be second hand if those people want that top kind of quality performance.

In the other side, 78dbs with those Pass amps are more than enough, no problem here at all.

Anyway, the OP took other alternative.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Still kicking it around. Need to tell him by 10:00am tomorrow when he will ship it. I have it down to Denon and Clearaudio and 90% learning toward the Denon but would love any feedback and or info on the Clearaudio. He said it was a $5k cart and its replacement is $10k and it was at the time supposed to be one of the best cart out there would love someone to provide feedback. Without that i am just going Denon. Thanks 
Dear @analogluvr : SETs at 1w?, please stop to promote that BS. Yes, I don't know what I'm talking about but at least I understand the heavy degradation to a cartridge signal that one single or thousands of tubes makes to that signal and this main/critical subject is what you never will learn and you know why you never will learn?

Because you as many  many audio people were extremely well and deep "# educated " by that corrupted AHEE where you are a good example of that corrupted and " succesful "  AHEE strategy.

That's all, it's not me or you was and is the AHEE strategy where all of us belongs, including me. Fortunatelly years ago I cut those extremely resistence chains that mantained me exactly as you and many other gentlemans. I'm totally liberated ( by my self because the AHEE never help you about, obviously this is forbiden for them. ) and really enjoying MUSIC.

That AHEE makes me lost to many years to count it and mantained inside an audio fake/fraud hobby with a heavy make-up in that audio world.
 Now, I can see all those " clowns " ( not people like you because no one of us have the culprit to live in that fake/fraud. ) that makes me that and fell sorry for them.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,