Very Sensible Audio Advice

Zero Fidelity - Do you know this guy?  I came across his channel on YouTube and I thought he offered some very level-headed advice and product reviews that would be helpful to a lot of people here.  He doesn't immediately look the part, but I think he knows what he's doing.  I would like to say it's good advice for those starting out, but I think many of us can take a lesson from him.
Yes, I've seen that clip recently and thought the same thing. Often there's no real substitute for experience (at least if you're as hard-headed as I am), but it's all solid advice that should be more widespread.
I would never have thought he would go for products like Heed and Totem, but he seems to have a good ear for sound.   IMO, his advice is better than a lot of the stuff thrown around here.  
I dont care for his listening room set up nor do I agree with him that the Ryan R610’s are simply a 2k speaker that doesn’t suck. They can Compete with monitors that cost much more if they are set up properly.