Which one is the best INTEGRATED!!

My system 
Focal speaker
Esoteric source

I am going to buy a new one but I am not sure about them all which one I should buy.

Here is my integrated list
Karan KA I180 MK2
Accuphase E650, 600
Jeff Rowland Con S2
Burmester 082
Pass labs INT250
Audio Research VSi75
Gryphon Diablo300

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Interesting that you used the word "best". My best is probably different to your best. At his price point, I don't think there is a "best" integrated. Just what suits you. They all have slightly different sound and different capabilities in terms of  connectives, Dac integration, AV bypass, balanced and unbalanced inputs, ability to drive low Independence. 

Listen to as many as you can and let you ears be the judge. I am biased of course - as an owner of the Diablo 300 with added Dac option. However, I do one more to be added to you audition list:





Monoandstereo.com has both the Analog ISIS and Diablo 300 reviews and the author prefers the ISIS even though Diablo has won heaps of rewards.  Just goes to show everyone is different.