You will never regret purchasing the Maggies. you can order their MMG's for a free in house listen for 30 days.(it's a no brainer!) if you like them you will love the 1.7's . The 1.7 are way more musical and bigger sound stage. But you can get an idea what to expect if you purchase the MMGs. for the in home trial.
I own both models, and use the 1.7's for 2 channel and movies. the MMG's are in the side and rear surround position. But I could live with them up front. I partial to Maggies as I have owned them for the last 38 years. First Pair was the MG1 Improved in '78 or '79 .
I own both models, and use the 1.7's for 2 channel and movies. the MMG's are in the side and rear surround position. But I could live with them up front. I partial to Maggies as I have owned them for the last 38 years. First Pair was the MG1 Improved in '78 or '79 .