Emotiva xpa 2 gen 2 power amp

Looking for this amp ...emotive xpa 2 gen 2. Is as good as all the reviews have at it's price point. Or should buy the gen3 amps that now out. Thanks


I havn't heard the gen3, but the 1 & 2 are ok for a budget Power Amp that puts out a fair bit of Power. Just don't expect anything approaching high end or even mid end. All my other Power Amps, admittedly much more expensive, absolutely annilhate it. Still for a starter Amp. it's a bit of fun and pretty good value.
Not a fan as well, these modular digital amps sound harsh and fatiguing and not fun to listen loudly for any length of time.
I’m not a fan of either.  I had a first gen xpa-3 and it was bright with little imaging.   For a low budget option I’d suggest Adcom, the 555SE for about 1300 on their site.  Really great imaging and detail for the money.