This is for Georgehifi especially but others can chime in.
I am buying Dynaudio C-1 Platinums and would like an ideal amp.
Hi Mike, the C1's tested at are 85dB, so you need at least a 100wpch amp or higher depends how loud you want to go.
But a worry is that they need a bit of current as well, at around 80hz to 110hz, and that's the power (current) region, because they are not only 4ohms but also have a dip of -40degrees - phase angle as well in this region. This could have an EPDR of around 2ohms as seen by the amp.
Myself I'd go for the Pass because I have a thing with Class-D for now, but both should work fine with the C1's, I'd try to audition both in your own system, to see what you prefer. I'd say the Pass will have the sweeter more believable upper mids/highs, but the Dev "could" have the better bass.
Cheers George