Sorry to convey what you guys may say as hyperbole, but if a pair of $18k amps fails to convey any emotion, and sounds clean but life lifeless, and the soundstage isn't that amazing, and even though that amp is famous for bass and the bass isn't coming through on a pair of $68k speakers or another set for $35k or another set for $32k and another combo just sounds magical what would you call it?
Now in terms of price the Devialet was the bargain compared to the T+A stack or a T+A integrated plus dac and cables, but we are reporting the results one setup magic on the other no magic so the cost factor doesn't come into play the greatest bargain $10k hand made suit that doesn't fit you isn't a bargain even if you got it for $300 bucks!
We tested multiple sets of expensive reference electronics on the Polymers, Blades, and Paradigm Personas, and the least good was the Devialet, The Trax stuff was fantastic but the T+A was better, and a few of our other reference setups with tubes didn't sound as good either.
As per Ref 600 they are nice amps we compared them to the Nuforce Ref 9 which had a much more magical midrange, we have tested Hypex and Ncore and Pascal based amps so far none of them are as magical as a good class A or Class A/B amplifier.
As per kills in audio, Scotch or cars yes it does. A bottle of ripple sucks, a bottle of Manchevitz is slightly better, but none of these are considered fine wine. A bottle of Clan Mcgreor Scotch a $15 a bottle, It is barely drinkable and it is not a Mcallans 12, and the Mcallans 18 s better still. So in our humble opinion there are plenty of things that subjectively kill an other thing.
Does a Ferrari kill a Mustang? In terms of performance yes and no, but most people if they could afford a Ferrari would much prefer to drive one over a Mustang.
Kost you are wrong sir, linearity is improved in a transistor when run on a higher voltage rail T+A was the first company to discover this simple fact, that transistors transfer function becomes better when the rail voltage is increased as they produce less distortion and function more accurately.
The T+A HV and R Series have been universally lauded as well as compared to much more expensive electronics.
We are not saying Pass is bad, on the contrary Pass gear is very, very, good, but we have yet to hear a Pass labs setup that was as three dimensional or as clean and fast yet retaining a slightly liquid overall presentation.
When an $18 integrated amp can be compared to $120k worth of extraordinary Swiss electronics and a $21k integrated can be compared to a $45k Dagastino integrated amp which is considered one of the best integrated amplifiers on the market and the reviewer said the T+A amp was in the same class it would make me take notice.
We did, brought in the gear, tested it , compared it and found it to mirror what the critics came away with.
Yes the T+A gear is really that good. Is it the best on the market? We wouldn't say that but it is in the upper echelon with some of the best uber gear and when compared to the best of the best it is usually less expensive to boot.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Now in terms of price the Devialet was the bargain compared to the T+A stack or a T+A integrated plus dac and cables, but we are reporting the results one setup magic on the other no magic so the cost factor doesn't come into play the greatest bargain $10k hand made suit that doesn't fit you isn't a bargain even if you got it for $300 bucks!
We tested multiple sets of expensive reference electronics on the Polymers, Blades, and Paradigm Personas, and the least good was the Devialet, The Trax stuff was fantastic but the T+A was better, and a few of our other reference setups with tubes didn't sound as good either.
As per Ref 600 they are nice amps we compared them to the Nuforce Ref 9 which had a much more magical midrange, we have tested Hypex and Ncore and Pascal based amps so far none of them are as magical as a good class A or Class A/B amplifier.
As per kills in audio, Scotch or cars yes it does. A bottle of ripple sucks, a bottle of Manchevitz is slightly better, but none of these are considered fine wine. A bottle of Clan Mcgreor Scotch a $15 a bottle, It is barely drinkable and it is not a Mcallans 12, and the Mcallans 18 s better still. So in our humble opinion there are plenty of things that subjectively kill an other thing.
Does a Ferrari kill a Mustang? In terms of performance yes and no, but most people if they could afford a Ferrari would much prefer to drive one over a Mustang.
Kost you are wrong sir, linearity is improved in a transistor when run on a higher voltage rail T+A was the first company to discover this simple fact, that transistors transfer function becomes better when the rail voltage is increased as they produce less distortion and function more accurately.
The T+A HV and R Series have been universally lauded as well as compared to much more expensive electronics.
We are not saying Pass is bad, on the contrary Pass gear is very, very, good, but we have yet to hear a Pass labs setup that was as three dimensional or as clean and fast yet retaining a slightly liquid overall presentation.
When an $18 integrated amp can be compared to $120k worth of extraordinary Swiss electronics and a $21k integrated can be compared to a $45k Dagastino integrated amp which is considered one of the best integrated amplifiers on the market and the reviewer said the T+A amp was in the same class it would make me take notice.
We did, brought in the gear, tested it , compared it and found it to mirror what the critics came away with.
Yes the T+A gear is really that good. Is it the best on the market? We wouldn't say that but it is in the upper echelon with some of the best uber gear and when compared to the best of the best it is usually less expensive to boot.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ