Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7

*** I tried to edit the TITLE.,,Sorry   I mean Vandie 1ci    Thanks

Hello to all! I am hoping I will get some opinions on these 2 speakers. I’m 65...a Pro musician with a degree in music. I’ve own of equipment for sure. Nothing in the Mega buck range. I did own a par of Maggie III’s 25 years ago. Vandersteen’s are really a brand I have never owned or stopped at a dealer or known someone who owned them.

I know opinions are GOING to vary. These are kinda 2 different speakers...but a similar approach. Maggie flat panel, and Vandie "no baffe.

I have an NAD 326BEE integrated amp..( very decent)....I’m about to spring for a Schiit Vidar. I have an MF V90,,Schiit Saga... I own Whafdale Diamond 240’s.

I was also set to pop for the Vidar and got into a discussion with someone at Schiit, and he generally said, looking at speakers/ headphones are usually a bigger change. So started my re-evaluation.

These are the 2 I am down too. I have 1400-1500 to spend. True-ness of timbre, soundstage are most important ot me ...because I have listened and played live music since I was 15.

I do very much appreciate your opinions. I want member to BE subjective and give me your take based on personal experience. Thank you very much, Otto

Yes, Ayre Codex.  Ayre + Vandersteen is a great combo.  (check out my system page!) 
You’ll notice a much greater difference with by going the route of amplification.

IMO, SS DACs belong in the category of placebo products, i.e. cables, fuses, and most power conditioning. If you want a different flavor of sound (not necessarily better) you can get it with a tube DAC.

Another path that will yield greater results is a speaker stand upgrade. Anything that’s mechanically coupled to your speakers will affect resonance behavior and therefore, the sound. This is clearly audible. $600 on Sound Anchor stands is a vastly better purchase than $600 on a DAC.

If you get something like a Bifrost, and you’re objective in your listening, you’ll realize why the $300 V90 DAC is rated "class A" by Stereophool, higher than far more expensive pieces like Shiit’s Yggdrasil. Hint: it’s not because it’s better.
BTW, I’ve owned the V90 DAC. I also own a DAC that retailed for $1800. If I’m honest with myself, they sound almost identical to my $100 Topping DAC.
An Ayre Codex is probably more similar to the Schiit Gungnir or Yggy, than the Bifrost.
Either of the three would be a significant upgrade.
Now I really kick myself for not getting that pair of VLR's last year.
How wonderful:-)

i second the rock rock solid sound anchors, there are other brands also, Johnny R will know

you really should re reterminate to spades, any decent Audioquest dealer will do this for Low money $$$$

finally you will be shocked what a Vandersteen sub can do with it’s speaker level integration 

but it take time to enjoy them !!!!!

Thank you all for your great comments. The stands will have to be next then! I don't have a multi K. Budget.. So I'll have to go in small steps. Making it a little harder.. Squeezing what I can from  every move. After the stands we're spilt on DAC and better amp. If the bananas,  which are Audioquest Silver.. Fit right into the terminal strip... What is to gained by re terminating the wires to spades and using screws? I can send the wires back to Signal Cable... Just don't see it... Please enlighten me. I will admit... Lol full disclosure.. The signal cables are a biwire set up... I'm only using half.... I have other cables... Some Audioquest, Mogami,  I'll try them... I'll re terminate the biwire myself into silver spades. I also changed the hi pass cutoff from 91 to 62... And the results are working out as I hoped. Down the road... I'll definitely look into the Vandy sub.   Cheers