Ayre Codex vs. Lampizator Amber II

I am using the Ayre Codex as a stand-alone dac in my 2 channel system right now, and it sounds great.  I am now interested in the Lampizator Amber II dac and wondering how both dacs compare in terms of sound quality.  Has anyone ever heard of both dacs?  Thanks.
I own the Lampizator Amber Mk 2, which I consider an exceptionally good DAC. Unfortunately I haven't heard the Ayre Codex, and can't offer a comparison. 

I reviewed it last year for another forum (read it here: https://www.avforums.co.za/index.php?topic=61239.0)

My summary comments were:

"In my opinion, it is true to timbre in the way a very good multibit DAC can be (reminding me of both the Theta and the Audiomat here); with vocals, it conveys a kind of essential quality, bringing forth richness and depth rather than thinning out voices in a way I’ve heard with some DACs; the soundstage is generous but not overblown, and possessing of a realistic sense of depth; its bass won’t make Mike Moffat blush, but rather it’s a case of everything in its right place. The low end is ample to the point I've dispensed with a sub altogether! But none of this matters, if the music doesn’t flow, and this is the Amber Mk2’s greatest strength: it allows the music to impress rather than trying to be the fifth Beatle."
Looks like the Lampizator Amber II ($2,000) replaces the Level 3 ($3500) and 4 ($4850) units.  That's impressive!  I am surprised that there are no other owners out there commenting on this dac.