Preamp tubes ran their life?

I believe I do know the answer, but I would like to hear inputs from the community.

Approximately 1.5 years ago I replaced the stock tubes in my preamp with some vintage Mullard UK ECC83’s.  I spend a fair amount of time listening to music.  I’d say, on average, anywhere between 10-15 hours a week.  For the first year I had them in, I was running my Home Theater with my 2-channel, via HT passthru; which would swing that 10-15 hours/week way up.   I liked the tubes and how they’ve sounded, pretty smooth throughout the band.  Today, I started noticing weird “slurring/distortion” in certain frequencies, especially with vocals and cymbal crashes.  I believe what I’m hearing is the tubes have ran their lifecycle.  Note: I do have room treatment and room/speaker correction and what I’m hearing just started happening this morning.

I won’t hold anyone to their words if it doesn’t end up being the tubes, but that’s my initial hunch.  Would your educated guess be the same?
I’d also like to get anyone’s input on 12ax7 tube replacements.  My budget would be $200-$250 per tube.
The NOS tubes in my phono stage have been sounding great for nine years now, so if it is your Mullards that seems short lived or a defect. Are the Mullards supposed to be NOS? Is it coming from both channels? Both tubes, both channels, same time, does not sound right. If one channel then switch the tubes and see if your distortion has moved.
Todd, as Kenny pointed out a little judicious tube swapping can lead you to a bad tube if the distortion is channel-specific.  You don't mention what "way up" might mean but 15 hrs/week for 1.5 years puts you in the 1,200 hour range.  Unless you have a preamp that is know to run tubes exceptionally hard (Audible Illusions comes to mind), preamp tubes can usually be counted on for 5,000-10,000 hours of life.  Dick