I would like to know the differences between RMAF and AXPANO?
Thank you
You are welcome @nasaman. Do carry a USB pen-drive with your favorite music. Majority of the demonstrations now use Tidal or some streaming service, so finding music should not be an issue.
Have fun!
@nasaman Please see the link below regarding AXPONA. I attended AXPONA last year for the first time and beforehand asked what I could expect. I got great answers that turned out to be almost exactly correct. 
I usually attend rmaf each year and have attended CES a few times years ago when I was something. Rmaf 2016 was the worst show I have ever attended. Nobody knew that they were remodeling and most of the rooms were way to small and sounded terrible. I didn’t go last year because I heard the remodeling made the rooms worse for audio. The people that I know who went indicated it wasn’t their finest. 
Newport was an up and coming show until the rivalry between the LA show. 
There might be too many shows that will make manufacturers to pick and choose which show they will attend which will make each show smaller. 
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