Bob and TOM,,,got it Locked and loaded! 2 hours ago I cut off the Bi-wire bananas and used the Audioquest Silver ( reuseable) Bananas to combine into one. Here's the model of this connector Audioquest Suregrip 100 BFA's. I WILL order their heavy duty silver plated spaces and I will redo the wires. Back in the day... this kind of attention to detail was so much listening to different kinds of solder >..when Wonder Solder was the BuZZ. So.... I'll be listening with the BFA's and then have the chance to report back on the spades and what difference they are going to make!! Back some comments, I said I was going to change Sub's; to my M&K MX125 its a dual 12''s in a push pull configuration. I'm running a cd on repeat for a few hours and will go and listen a little later tonight.. On listening to 1 track, I like the MK....its been sitting in my PC system all along...using the HSU crossover and their sub. John, I am running the sub from a 2nd output for the Schiit SAGA..line level.. and controlling the bass level and xover point manually right at my listening perch. I have the sub close to me. I think this is going to be MUCH BETTER,,,until I can get the VANDY sub.
I'k looking at stands next. I might take some lumps here... but not willing to spend 600.00 on sound anchors..I was looking at Pangea they have a regular weight and a heavy weight..**249.00 for the heavy,,,reviews are very good and say these stands are HEAVY... much more in my range....I will either fill with sand and or shot. I am convinced better stands will add more definition. So I have a few new things going on. I wish I could POP for the Ayre Codex I see 3 for sale,,,just can't right now. I will sell the V90..and I am selling on Craigslist my recent pair of Wharfedale Diamond 240;s for 650.00 I'm on board for the Codex!