Where are Moerch arms sold?

I just received my VPI armboard (undrilled), now I want to try a new arm, looks like a Moerch is a good option (price/performance), but just can´t find the dealer.

Your help will be highly appreciated.

I thought would Sora sound directly for over a year pawsitively polite and sweet and genuinely friendly the bottom line is my arm didn't get fixed I had a very small problem the clip holding the tone on sale and I need another clip no matter what I said or did I could not get a part from anybody eventually I was told I would have to mail the arm 200 when he came to the United States and went to California months later at a certain point they agreed to sell me the clip for $300 however putting it into another story I would have to pay a hundred euros just to talk to him to explain how to put the clip in but even after I was willing to do that I couldn't get it fixed the problem really is basic I couldn't get a part to ensure proper operation I mean I'm not I'm not angry with anybody but I was forced to buy a completely new on because I just couldn't get this thing fixed it's a small company it's one guy who makes it if you want any kind of service on it if you got to go through hurdles to mail it to this guy in another country you got to take your whole system apart there's no service is no support it was our total Horror Show I initially contacted George Merril who built my table who I believe used to be a dealer he tried to help me get this thing fixed but was unable this is not uncommon I can't tell you how many manufacturers will sell you a digital transport only to find out some of his way there are no parts for it very common situation and hi-fi not angry about it I just couldn't get it fixed I just couldn't get it fixed I called I spoke to people who distributed them told me that he didn't have the clip somewhere around $500 overhauling the arm which I didn't want to go I was forced to buy a different one and I just gave up on it if you buy any legitimate product to triplanar service department to somebody that deal with you I can't tell you what a horrible horrible experience I had with this product
Eye contact with the old white border from who basically told me I don't sell that product anymore and we'll just leave it at that I then called his current distributor and like I say after a year of trying to get this thing fixed and and playing around with these guys and playing phone tag with everybody under the sun I gave up everybody was more than polite everybody was more than friendly and nice and everybody assured me they were going to take care of me but a year later I still didn't have the two big part I needed to fix the table and I gave up
Nu it's a shame that these guys will take your five or $10,000 on a really high-end piece of equipment but when you need a little help or customer support of service is an awful lot of guys out there that run the other way Take the Money and Run and that's really a shame cuz I bought a metal table and 30 years later George rebuilt it to me answer the same phone number you had 30 years ago and was nothing less than reasonable polite and extremely accommodating
A lot of people really have defending is going on but I'm telling you it's a tiny company it's like one guy's building it getting it serviced was a disaster trying to get parts for it was impossible eventually going to fix my tone on quip I was told I could mail it to the manufacturer but only when he came to the United States months later and I would had and I can have the whole tone arm rebuild which I didn't want to do