Well, my point was not that you should go to TJ Maxx and buy more blankets. :) My point was to use your own ears to listen and experiment. If YOU can’t hear a difference, doesn’t matter what I think. Why ask others to tell you what you can hear? :)
If you are worried, cover your gear with a blanket and then listen! Usually the biggest culprits are big TV’s and bit flat entertainment center surfaces. The less, the better. Will 2 pieces of gear matter to you? I do not know, but the best way to find out is by experimenting. Also, the advice is free and takes minutes to set up... so, try it! :)
Even if you have nothing in between, trying this experiment can help you realize the value of comprehensive acoustic treatment.
If you are worried, cover your gear with a blanket and then listen! Usually the biggest culprits are big TV’s and bit flat entertainment center surfaces. The less, the better. Will 2 pieces of gear matter to you? I do not know, but the best way to find out is by experimenting. Also, the advice is free and takes minutes to set up... so, try it! :)
Even if you have nothing in between, trying this experiment can help you realize the value of comprehensive acoustic treatment.