Tube tester recommendation!

Is there an inexpensive (but accurate) tube tester that one can buy? Here on Agon sometimes? Through a merchant? Amazon? Ebay?

Tubes can be expensive and I want to get every bit I can from them but once they begin to go I'd like to have the means to validate that (sometimes I think my hearing may be the issue :-))

Thank you!  
Thanks for the responses fellas. I'll look at the Hickok testers but in the meantime I really like the idea Rodman put forth. Think I'll use that in the near if not longer especially with them being a neighboring state!

Thanks again, appreciate the help!
Here’s a link to some info about picking a tube tester. This site appears to be current although I heard that Roger had some health problems a while back

Also if you want to test tubes from the 6DJ8/6922/7308 family you will need a military tester like the TV-7.  For some reason many testers can't handle these tubes.
Not infrequently Hickok tube testers appear for sale for reasonable prices at forums and sites which serve the antique radio collecting community. For example, this listing offering a model 534 for $325 appeared just three days ago, although as you can see in the subject line the unit has already been sold.

Periodically Googling "antique radios" + "Hickok" + "tube tester" could very well pay off, eventually if not sooner!

Best regards,
-- Al

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