What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?

For me, it’s only my turntable, an LP 12, though I did have a Kore installed in 2015 so it’s not quite what it was 10 years back. 
My Eton 11-2 speakers, but in their 2nd cabinet--I just recently got the front end up to a level to hear how good the Eton's are--they aren't the last word, but they are good and even--no faults--and the front end matches--either I'm smarter at this than I have a right to be, or I'm just lucky!!  BTW, heard nothing in the system before having it on the doorstep.

Main System

Prima Luna PL5 - power amp (12 years)
Musical Fidelity CD Pre 24 - preamp/ tuner (14 years)
SONY SCD 555ES SACD player (17 years)
Opera Platea speakers (10 years)
QED speaker cables

Den System


Bedroom System

Outlaw RR2150 receiver (12 years)

Primary system, first to most recent:  Tandberg TCD 440D cassette deck, Rogers Studio 1 monitors, Sota Sapphire table, Belles Model 1 power amp, Pioneer PL 15 D II table.  

Several other pieces of that age are in other systems around the house.  I've been very fortunate with my choices; they all function properly and are a pleasure to use.

Happy listening indeed! 

Speakers (Dynaudio) and tuner (Denon/Japan). Tuner has been overhauled in the last few years but is essentially the same unit from the 80's.