It is certainly possible to get very low bass (SW range) out of a small box. I happen to have a set of Dynaudio Gemini speakers which are MTM configuration using woofers with cones that are only 3.75 inches in diameter. (The voice coils are 3 inches, so these drivers have power for their size). With moderate equalization they go to 20 Hz, which I would not believe if I had not measured it. What they will not do is pump out high, or even moderate SPL with this kind of LF extension. There simply is not enough cone area.
If you do not listen at high volume I would have no doubts, relating to size, that the LF performance of the Caravelles will satisfy you.
If you do not listen at high volume I would have no doubts, relating to size, that the LF performance of the Caravelles will satisfy you.