Need help looking for a DAC for Samsung TV 4k

I need suggestions for a Dac Preamp for my new Samsung tv 4k. It MUST have ALL the requirements below. Please help
1. Less than 14 inches wide
2. Silver color
3. Optical input
4. VOLUME wireless remote control
6. Below $400

I already have Cambridge Dacmagic Plus and Music Hall DAC 25.3 but both lack some of what I need. Please help and Thank you all again. 
Look for a used Emotiva Stealth DC-1 DAC.  Retail on this is $499, so you should be able to find something used under $400.  It has everything you need except for the silver color.  I think it's going to be hard to find something that meets every one of your requirements.
If the Cambridge and Music Hall do not give you the sound you're looking for, then I do not believe $400 will buy you what you want.
Auxinput, that’s what I thought as well, but my guess it is the lack of a remote that is the issue. Does the volume control on the TV work with the digital output? Otherwise, how about a Benchmark DAC 1 factory refurbished?