Need help looking for a DAC for Samsung TV 4k

I need suggestions for a Dac Preamp for my new Samsung tv 4k. It MUST have ALL the requirements below. Please help
1. Less than 14 inches wide
2. Silver color
3. Optical input
4. VOLUME wireless remote control
6. Below $400

I already have Cambridge Dacmagic Plus and Music Hall DAC 25.3 but both lack some of what I need. Please help and Thank you all again. 
If the Cambridge and Music Hall do not give you the sound you're looking for, then I do not believe $400 will buy you what you want.
Auxinput, that’s what I thought as well, but my guess it is the lack of a remote that is the issue. Does the volume control on the TV work with the digital output? Otherwise, how about a Benchmark DAC 1 factory refurbished?

@robelvick - Teac UD-301, no remote.

If you are okay with a remote-controlled preamp, here are a couple options, but they are not silver:

Parasound Zpre 2 - $200 used on ebay

Audio-GD C-2 - $450 plus shipping, which is over your budget, but this is likely going to be the best sound quality preamp you can buy in this price range.

@auxinput. MH dac sounds beautiful but does not have Vol control nor the remote but I keep it in my 2ch listening room now  The Cambridge Dac has all except for the remote. 

@willamj,  the TV's smart remote can able to learn other remote to minimal the extra remote but can not adjust its own volume for digital output. I will dig in and play around more. Good point though
Thank you all for some suggestions. I really appreciated but I'd like to stick with the MUST list for now. I already spent (not regret) $350+$350 on those 2 DACs