This is for Georgehifi especially but others can chime in.

I am buying Dynaudio C-1 Platinums and would like an ideal amp. Which would you choose? I prefer solid state. Separates or integrated. If you could recommend a few optimum choices that would be great. Based on my short couple years on here you strike me as very knowledgable on the subject. My dealer wants me on Pass Labs. Incidentally right now I have the Devialet 400 and I’m pretty sure you are not a fan of this type of amp. Any of your wisdom is appreciated. Thanks, Mike

Greginnh, actually that is a great idea.

So far no one has asked for an in home demo believe it or not.

We have the separates on display later this year we will get an HV and R series integrated on display.

We did have the 2500r in for a week and it was amazing.

As per T plus A being better than 90 percent of the stuff out there never said that.

It is so special because it hits all the bases musicality with resoloution. Super build quality with great features these ars things we value.

It is in that same level of gear as Soloution, Burmester, CH and others.

If we are heading to your area we would be delighted to bring some over to you.

As per Plinius good stuff sold it for years we had an SA 103 it is not in the same class as a T plus A which is like the Devialet in terms of speed & clarity but with much greater midrange and superior musicality.

If the OP has a Devialet D400 an $18k 400 watt mono which we also sold, he kind of needs to move into a similar level of product.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Post removed 
Xp 12 $5800
Xa 25 $5000
Good int $1000-3000

11800- 13800 for 25 watts 

R series 2500 integrated $11,500
140 watts 

Hv int $18,000 300 watts 

Again Devialet D 400 $18,000

Seems we are in the same ballpark.

Mr Jmcgrogan,

Over the years we have had Chord, Electrocompaniet, Plinius, Hegel, Luxman, Devialet, in both our reference room and our next step down room.

We tested out the Thrax gear which was fantastic, and have run demos vs Boulder and big Krells plus a couple of other demos.

So far the only thing that beat the T+A gear we were comparing was a $90k set of big boulder amplifers which were three times the cost. 

So yeah we would say the T+A gear is pretty special. 
Opinions aren't necessarily an "agenda," and, again, regardless of the forum rules I don't see anybody from Goodwin's, Stereo Exchange, or other reputable dealers self-promoting like this guy. Note that Atmasphere will rarely even mention that he designs and markets well regarded products, and often offers valuable information based on his experience. I'm simply one who feels that crass advertisements invade far too much of our online space, and simply hope that business-centric commercial intrusion could stay out of forums that should simply be an exchange of ideas and opinions not tainted by desperate salesmen.