Man, this thread has being going on so long, I forgot what we were talking 'bout. Oh yeah, the Caravelles. BTB, there is a Yba Integre on the 'gon for sale. I owned this baby for 7 hears. 50 of the best SS watts these ears have ever heard. You won't be disappointed. And if you are? Sell it back on the 'gon for what you paid. Also, there's a few Brystons, as well. Owned the 4B in my Maggie days. Another nice one, though I'd grab the integre over the Bryston. just a little fwiw. Pal, this is a very personal choice. You'll get recommendations up the whazoo. And all probably worth checking into. You're soon going to have a pair of speakers that will do justice to just about anything you hook up to them. Fasten your seatbelt. You may, also, be disappointed in some amps. Great speakers have a way of showing up the inherent weaknesses of other components, as well.