Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?

I am very close to ordering a pair of the Harmonic Precision Carravelle speakers. I am looking in the below $5,000 range and these look interesting. There are only a couple of reveiws so I was wondering if anyone has heard them and been unimpressed? It is a lot of money but I may take a chance on it. Anyone think I can do better at my price point. I will be buying a new amp after I choose a speaker.
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Scotty333: "Its strengths are WAY beyond 'subjectively' better......IMO!!!" hehehehehe
I was going to pour a pair of Caravelles when they came to rip up my old driveway and form a new one..I figured before they put the gravel down they usually put down some steel reinforcement. I could make some dedicated Sistrum stands from that.These guys can even help me make the forms for my new speakers they are great at calculating complex shapes and certainly they can figure the rate of contraction as the pour drys..A few percent here and there certainly won't change the way the bass may sound..Tom
The drivers are good, and the key to this speaker is the not so modest cabinet. I guess we want to overlook the considerable expense in that.

The box has nearly 8 times the radiating surface of the largest driver even in a small speaker like the Caravelle. So its inertness is no small feat and a big advantage to clarity. Personally I laugh at most of the puck cone BS that goes on because this is where it matters, the speaker box, not a bad box on $900 stands and cones.

The speaker is what it is, I've heard and it is very good. I think anyone who hears it will think its very good. Unless they are just being contrary or since we're dealing with audiophiles, don't know what good sound is.

Just so we're clear where I stand, Would I buy it? No, but that is due to my preference which has no ramifications on anyone else.

Better than JM Labs ? well the JM labs is got its own sound and better is more a question of preference than performance also.

I'd like to see a real measurement of the Caravelle but it does sound flat to me, +/- 1.5 dB is quite an achievement for a passive loudspeaker and it deserves a chance if you're looking for a speaker that does many things very well.

Waiting for what a reviewer has to say is pointless when you have a 30 day trial. Either you have the $$$ or you don't to have the priviledge to really know how these speakers sound like.
How about that cabinet? What about the mold to cast that cabinet? How much to make that mold? A thousand? No. Ten thousand? No... More? Yes..How many pours can you expect out of one mold before you have to replace the mold? When do they pour the quart of Micro-Bearing Conductor into the mix that makes up the back panel? How many man hours to prep the cabinet before it goes to the automotive paint booth.? How many coats of paint and clear coat? Whats that cost? You gotta be damn careful in moving that black beauty around. That crossover.. those select matched parts..the Sonoran hook-up wire with Micro-Bearing, The Riehl copper solder thats lead free, the Sistrum mounting method of the crossover to the inside of the dampening there.Want to be consistent in ridding all the nasty vibrations away to those crazy looking conductive stands.The brass conductive rod that is threaded into the back of the woofer and tensioned thru and terminated into the back plate of the cabinet..Gee another conductor.No dampening..Have to be consistent..Dampening the inside of the cabinet, hardly not foam, no fiberglass, nothing dangerous to exit that port ..all natural..carded wool..How much are those sheep? No steel mounting screws..Why is that? Why are these speakers boltled to those crazy stands? How come when you tap on those stands they ring? I thought speaker stands were to be dead and filled with sand or lead shot..Seems as if these stands were meant to be conductive..Of what? Vibration of course..Whats left to be heard? Music . I sell these speakers and really enjoy telling their story..Tom
Right now the "HYPE" meter is running very HIGH on the Caravelles and the DK Integrated Amplifer! Add in an Audio Aero Prima CD Player and use AudioQuest DBS Cables and you will have the ULTIMATE IN HIGH FIDELITY PERIOD! End of Story! Class A Hype System!

Sorry Could Not Resist! Found it humorous! I am sure the Caravelles are great speakers! 94 Posts and Going strong, they better be!

