Best used or new DAC under $3500

What would be the best DAC for under $3500, new or used? I currently use the Chord Dave and I LOVE it. However, I'm looking to downgrade to save some dough. Some reference points:

1) Yggdrasil:  Sold it as the staging was too narrow/flat and it seemed a little lifeless
2) Ayre QB-9 DSD: Feel its a bit too bright/tizzy - at this point I'm done trying Sabre DACs.

Can anyone recommend a DAC that is not a mainstream sabre chip based DAC? I dont mind it if its an older generation or vintage DAC either - Just something I can get for under $3500. I don't want a discussion to defend Sabre DACs please.


Audio Research DAC8(released 2010) is a great sounding DAC. It’s good for 24/192. They don’t come up for sale often though. I own one and just ordered a second I lucked into from TMR Audio. The USB does not work well unless you have a 2012 Mac Mini(or older) with the correct driver AND OS X 10.9. And forget using it with Windows! I now use Bluesound Node 2s via coax and the sound is amazing. Expect to pay 1800-2400 if you can find one.

Curious on which of the three Dacs listed below are better since Benchmark utilizing something no other Dac use, inter-sampling:

- Yiggy
- Holo Springs
- Benchmark Dac3

A used Audio Note 3 series tube DACs  may be a good choice for you, and obtainable for your $3k budget. It has up to 96/192 rate and, to my ear, just sounds right.  
That Audio Note 3 is definitely on my radar but was curious on those Dacs based upon excellent reviews and lots of buz...

What other Dacs have you compared to your AN3? Just found this from a quick search on Audiogon:
