Best used or new DAC under $3500

What would be the best DAC for under $3500, new or used? I currently use the Chord Dave and I LOVE it. However, I'm looking to downgrade to save some dough. Some reference points:

1) Yggdrasil:  Sold it as the staging was too narrow/flat and it seemed a little lifeless
2) Ayre QB-9 DSD: Feel its a bit too bright/tizzy - at this point I'm done trying Sabre DACs.

Can anyone recommend a DAC that is not a mainstream sabre chip based DAC? I dont mind it if its an older generation or vintage DAC either - Just something I can get for under $3500. I don't want a discussion to defend Sabre DACs please.


That Audio Note 3 is definitely on my radar but was curious on those Dacs based upon excellent reviews and lots of buz...

What other Dacs have you compared to your AN3? Just found this from a quick search on Audiogon:

I have spent a bunch of time with the PS Audio DirectStream Junior (DSJ) and have a review coming out soon. The only other DAC in this discussion that I’ve heard is the Chord Dave. With the latest software update (Redcloud), I believe the DSJ comes pretty close to the Dave. It is not as quiet and clean but at least via its Bridge II network interface, it is extremely natural, direct-sounding (free of digital haze) and musically satisfying. My previous reference DAC was the PCM1704-based Monarchy NM24 with tube output and upgraded caps and I/V resistor. The DSJ exceeds it in most every parameter except lower midrange richness, which is close but it’s hard to beat tubes. You can find some comments on the sound after the software update on my blog,
Hello, I have a chord qbd76hdsd that I purchased earlier this year because I didn't want to point up for a Dave. It's a great unit. PM if you're interested as I was looking to sell and possibly move up to a Dave. Says nothing negative about the qbd, I just love trying new gear
If you can snag an Aqua La Scala with the Optologic upgrade you'll be in tall cotton.