A lot of hype about PS Audio, deservedly so ?

Hi, have been reading a lot about PS Audio BHK serie and their top Dac.
Do they deserve all the praise they are given, and do they hit way over their price class?

Also, how is the production quality?
My first PS Audio purchase was the DSJr, and it was a transformative experience. Using an old Cambridge Audio CD player as transport into this DAC was amazing. Even the wife took notice! Upgraded to DSD and DMP. Like other posters, I cannot believe the incredible SQ of my 30 year old CDs. I know a $6K DAC is generally not purchased for streaming services, but man-o-man does the DSD blur those lines in SQ between streaming and other sources. Have since purchased the BHK amp and pre.

Every call and e-mail, both pre and post purchase, was promptly handled by a knowledgeable and friendly rep. Their customer support is top shelf for sure. Audio gear, computer or widget, as a consumer I look for companies that have top quality products and support after the sale. PS Audio is in that select group for me. And Made in USA and a 30 day in home audition. Not many out there with those attributes. And they invite you to drop in and visit if you're in the area. I'm not a Kool-Aid drinker but am a big PS Audio fan.
Gryphongryph my recent purchase of PS Audios Direct Stream Memory Player and Direct Stream Dac senior wasn’t motivated by any hype I read about these components .
 While being aware of PS Audio over the decades I never had any interest at all in thier components however that changed when I listened to PS Audios source components at a dealer .i learned more about them and then arranged to audition them in my home .

Having owned players from EMM Labs & Esoteric ,PS Audio is the best digital playback I have owed so far and with the recent firmware update , I am absolutely thrilled with the Direct Stream components,.
Yes, it was their Dac that caught my eye too, I like the way that it is software upgradable.
Have not had separates before, I like to have a simple system as possible, therefore have been looking more into Luxman and Accuphase integrated amps, that are well made and get good reviews, must say I like that looks of them too ;-) also my speakers don’t need that much of power, how do you guys like the headphone output on the pre amp ? 
I can echo the posts above regarding PS Audio. I own, and love, their P10. (bass not flabby in the slightest, btw) I own, and absolutely love, their Stellar M700 monoblocks which I use as front and center channel for my HT with a Stellar S300 for the rears. I replaced my McIntosh MC205 and haven't looked back. I own, and love to an absurd degree, their Directstream DAC. Red Cloud firmware has finally brought digital to the level of musicality of my excellent vinyl rig, which I never thought would happen. Their service is top notch. Their enthusiasm for their products is genuine. Their product line is ever expanding with an upcoming server/streamer and BHK phono preamp (and Stellar phono pre). So yeah, I'm a big fan of a well run American company which manufactures here. Not much hype to that. 
Paul McG wrote in a thread at PS Audio.com concerning this thread:

”Thanks, guys. Yes, with the exception of Sprout and the Dectet, everything we build we build here and source most of the parts here as well. We use vendors from Kansas to California for circuit boards, though most of the metal work is done in Colorado. We’ve got 38 wonderful people working hard to make these products for you right here in the good old USA.
I would encourage anyone in the area to come by and visit. While I know most companies in our business might be a little standoffish of unannounced visitors, you’ll find us quite the opposite. Come on by and watch your products being made and see where they are designed and listened to”