Oppo 105, Oppo 205, or Legacy SACD (Esoteric, Cary CD 306, etc)

I currently have a Cary DAC-100t for all of my digital files, but I would like to purchase some sort of CD & SACD transport / player. The challenge in my decision lies in that the Cary DAC does not support DSD and likely cannot be used unless the player has conversion to PCM in the player. I know that Oppo has this capability, but I also want to spend a budget like that on equipment that is solely invested in audio. So I guess my question is, with a budget of no more than $2000, should I settle for one of the Oppos, or go for something more legacy like an Esoteric DV-60, Cary CD 306, etc?

I would love to find something that has a solid transport and laser, can upsample CDs well, and either has a great internal DAC for SACD or has DSD to PCM/Redbook conversion so I can use my existing standalone DAC.

System includes
VPI 299D integrated
Audio Art SC-5se (R) and Clear Day Cables Double Shotgun
Alta Audio Lelantos
DH Labs Corona power cables
PS Audio Power Plant P3

The Lelantos are resolving yet refined and all of my stages are all tube, so I don’t mind a player that can present serious detail.
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@jafant Thanks, looks amazing especially as I love Cary's products, but unfortunately it does not play SACDs.
@jafant I ended up going with a used Yamaha CD-S2000 on which I negotiated an attractive price. It’s my first foray into SACD and my first serious CD player (have been more into hi-res digital files and vinyl). From reviews it seems to have a solid build, transport, and good set of Burr Brown DAC chips as well as a solid power supply, so perhaps it will work well for me.
@thiefoflight , 

I have the CD-S1000 which is pretty much close to 90% of the CD-S2000 and it is a wonderful player, built like a brick at 33lbs, and seriously one of the smoothest/quietest tray mechanisms I have ever owned.

Congrats on your purchase.


Very nice player- thiefoflight.

keep me posted as you massage this spinner into your system.

Happy Listening!