need advice for sound improvement

Happy New Year everyone!
I would appreciate your help to improve the sound I can get in my listening room from the following system:
- Marantz SA14s1 SE (Ken Ishiwata)
- McIntosh C2200
- McIntosh MC2102
- PMC OB1i
- Wireworld Equinox 5 balanced interconnects
- Black Rhodiun Salsa speaker cables 10 m runs
My room measures L470 x l330 x h240 cm and has one door behind the speakers and one door on the right wall (as I face the speakers). The speakers are places facing the short wall.
I encounter two issues:
1. I cannot find the proper bass sound. Or it is boomy, or it hangs over or it is very thin (good definition but lacks the oomph)
2. The vocals are placed at 1 o'clock (imagine the speakers sitting at 3 and 9 o'clock)

What can I do to improve on the above?
Many thanks again to each contributor.
I received a lot of ideas and I will do my best to experiment most of them.
I am in the process of playing with the speaker placement and also I have ordered Jim Smith's book. Till it comes, I am watching the educational videos from the GIK Acoustics web site.
Will keep you informed once I have more progress.
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True, but most speaker crossovers are designed to have the tweeter at ear height for optimum integration between the drivers. I would prioritize this variable.