Gryphon vs. D'Agostino

To anyone who has had the opportunity to hear both, please compare and contrast the latest Gryphon and D'Agostino amplifiers.
Great!   I visited that dealer a couple of years ago to listen to some Rockports I was interested in.   They were very helpful and had a good selection.
I am also curious as to what your findings will reveal. I wish I had had a dealer to demo Gryphon as I have heard good feedback about their products.
Gryphon vs. D'Agostino

I love both to drive the very hard loads of most Wilsons, especially the Alexia .9ohm (epdr) in the lower bass.
My money (if I had it) would be  on the Gryphon Antillion Evo or better. As these do the doubling of wattage thing (an indication of current ability)  better.
And these also have user adjustable Class-A bias on the fly up to 100w class-A 

Cheers George
As these do the doubling of wattage thing (an indication of current ability) better.
What are you talking about?