Gryphon vs. D'Agostino

To anyone who has had the opportunity to hear both, please compare and contrast the latest Gryphon and D'Agostino amplifiers.
What are you talking about?

Most Wilsons need an amp with good current ability, an indication of an amp to give good current is it’s ability to almost double it’s wattage for each halving of load impedance, from 8 down to 4ohms


The Gryphon Antillion will do this better almost doing these doubling figures. And as I said it also has the benefit of user adjustable Class-A up to 100w on the fly while listening.

Cheers George
Yes, I did just buy a D'Agostino S-250. And I Love It!! The problem is I have friends. Lol One friend, in whose ears I trust says he prefers the VTL S-400 II over the S-250 on Wilson speakers. Then another acquaintance suggested that the new Gryphon stuff might be best of all. I'm planning a trip to Omaha soon to hear all three in the same room, with the same speakers. Should be interesting...

Looking forward in reading your report- imgoodwithtools.

Safe travels and have fun.

Happy Listening!


D'Ag does exactly the same thing.  My M400s:

400 watts @ 8Ω
800 watts @ 4Ω
1,600 watts @ 2Ω

No need to adjust anything, sounds amazing the way it is.

Here are the actual independent tested results of the D'Agostino's amps

405W into 8 ohms
640W into 4 ohms 
1115w into 2 ohms

Not doubling as manufacturer specs want you to believe above, but still every respectable, for an idea of current ability.

No test yet to find on the Gryphon Antillion Evo's just the manufacturers propaganda, if you can believe them again.
150w- 8ohm Class-A

Cheers George