How much power for Merlin VSM speakers?

I bought a pair of Merlin VSM-MMs and am driving them with a Cary SS amp. While it sounds pretty good I am thinking of switching to a tube amp. I am familiar with the usual OTL suspects most people use like the Berning and Joule. I was wondering if there is anyone out there driving these speaker with a less powerful SET amp. How powerful does the amp have to be in order to not clip? Is the speaker efficient enough and its impedence curve benign enough for low powered amps? Is 30 watts enough? Am I asking the right questions?
I use a 10 Watt SET Berning Sigfried to drive the VSM-MM in a 13x18x9 living room. My friend is using a 70 Watt push-pull to drive the VSM. With the very quiet background of the Berning, I like the microdynamic and inner details that I can elicit from the low-powered SET, delicate indeed, especially for vocal music. I just love to wait for the beginning of the next music selection when the background is so quiet and then music begins.
good post!
the finesse of a low powered set can be breathtaking and berning amps are remarkable designs.
the uniformity of the vsm mm and the q circuit in the hf network make this low level resolution very audible.
the sparation of mass voices and tiny ambient cues are my favorite things to listen for. i love coral music and it is in fact, my favorite.
I know this is an old thread, but has anyone tried a First Watt J2 with the VSM's? I am having a hard time find the right speaker for this amp. Part of the difficulty lies in the fact that it goes down to 13 watts at 4 ohms.
e, the vsm is impedance corrected and does not dip below 6.5 ohms. it is for the most part an 8 to 9 ohm load.
you will be able to generate a little over 103 db sound pressure. they are not the most efficient of speakers but the impedance correction makes them an easy load to drive. i know of a few people using them with 8 to 12 watts per, myself included. this combination is not for everyone but it is possible depending on how demanding you are. you never mentioned your thoughts in that regard. depending on the version of the vsm, you will notice a little more efficiency and room filling nature.
best regards,
bobby at merlin
Bobby thanks for responding, it is much appreciated.

To give more insight into my listening environment habits:

My room is 22 long, 12 wide, and 9 high. I have the speaker along the short wall (which there is no way around that do french windows). The room is not lively, but it is not treated.

I rarely listen to music over 85db, at the most reaching 90db rarely.

I most listen to everything, with a lot of acoustic folk, 70's rock, soul and electronic (my friends tell me that I was born in the 70's and I'll die in the 70's :) I do listen jazz as well ranging from Ellington to Jacuzzi Jazz but mostly 60's bop and spiritual.

I listen to a lot of vinyl.

I forgot to mention before that I run my J2 with a TVC.

Any further insight much appreciated.