A lot of hype about PS Audio, deservedly so ?

Hi, have been reading a lot about PS Audio BHK serie and their top Dac.
Do they deserve all the praise they are given, and do they hit way over their price class?

Also, how is the production quality?
Wondering if anyone here uses the BHK 250 and the Signature BHK pre with bbc class speakers., my speakers are 87db into 8 ohm and I often play at low volume late at night and would like a system that has good resolution and musicality, without always having to turn up the volume.
It's the same reason I prefer Toyota/Lexus over BMW.

Let's talk about that BMW pedigree when it comes to sell a 10 year old BMW vs a 10 year old Lexus.  ;)
Prefer Mercedes to BMW but will take a 10 years old BMW over newer Toyota/Lexus any day.
I have a pca-2 pre amplifier and it beats the hell out of Naim 282 pre for what matters sound quality.. Its worlds more emotive.
I believe their products to be outstanding after listening to them at dealership in the UK..
Vocals piano nuances in the depth of soundstage and the whole digital experience is very organic and emotional 'with all the dynamic range of my turntable £6,000 worth of Linn Lp12 with ekos se
(that ironically runs through a PSAudio power supply) '
because it lends itself to any quality source. Yes matches Linn better than Naim as I believed it would.
 I have not bought a Ps Audio digitaly enabled DSD  source yet. But hope to very soon as they sound incredible,, I have the above running through Leak Tl12' s and I have MF DAC Computer and Spendor S6E speakers.

I emailed Ps Audio recently and their friendly manner was as pleasing as their product. I heartily recomend this company,,
I've owned Toyotas and BMWs (my red '75 FJ40…man…), and to say Toyota is anything but a brilliant company that's been around forever is strange. Ever drive a BRZ? I have. Costs a fraction of anything BMW makes, and although I don't own one I appreciate 'em…I drive an older 3 series BMW and a BMW designed (new version) turbo Mini, but I utterly respect Toyota as does anybody who works at BMW (I've know some of those guys). Also, Toyota and BMW are working together on a 300K supercar. I also think PS Audio makes great stuff, which I have to mention as otherwise this post wouldn't belong here.