Speakers costing range of 2500-3500 per pair

With my budget what speakers would work well with the Denon 4311-ci
I was told from a audio dealer the vocal arias 936 would sound good with the Denon receiver .
Literally came in here to post Aria 936.  

Although many will will come in recommending their own speakers they purchased and love, I actually don’t even own them, and have huge amounts of experience with other speakers in the price range.  Nothing beats them in the price range for musicality, soundstage, holography, and the ability to have good detail without ever being bright or fatiguing.  

Did you get a chance to listen to them?

Yes I did and they sounded amazing, like I mentioned in the prior post my only concern is will they sound the same with my Denon 4311.
Yes.  I have heard them on lower end Yamaha receivers and they sound great.  Also have heard them on an old old Onkyo receiver, newer anthem, and a higher end Marantz.  All sounded great.  (I have recommended these to several friends so have heard multiple setups)