Belles Greatest Integrated ever! The Virtuoso

Just before the Holiday's, I noticed on several authorized Belles websites, that certain separates went out of production which is a pattern that would indicate new products are forthcoming, and sure enough a new Integrated popped up on the Belles website last week, which appears to be his greatest integrated amp to date. The Virtuoso,
putting out over 200 watts per channel into 8 ohms, HT bypass, Processor loop, MM & MC phono stage, and power meters on the front panel. The unit will be released in March at a price tag of $6495. Given David Belles reputation during the past 30 years, who has always been at the top of his game as perhaps the best solid state engineer designer ever in the states, since musicality has always been his first order of business, it wouldn't surprise me at all that the Virtuoso will fly out the door and winds up on the back order list. Its a real looker.
Very handsome unit. Well done David! Its what we've been waiting for.
audiotroy..Boy, you have missed the boat. You need to eat some brain food. " If Belles products were so remarkable why are there next to no dealers?"  WHAT A LOAD OF HOOEY!!!

More than any other company, Belles has alway been the biggest threat to the retail industry, always clobbering mass mega-bucks electronics sold at the audio establishment retail stores. Belles does not need to be hooked up to a long string of retailers'. Their products sell constantly all year around since they have the strongest word of mouth reputation in the country amongst Musicphiles. All the other companies can only survive with their ongoing magazine ads, and constant audio establishment reviews or they would die on the vine. Not Dave Belles.
I could care less about a retailer here in Seattle carrying the Belles product line. I just pick up the phone, call the Belles dealer in California, and have gear shipped by blue label. And no tax!! Easy Peasy! 
JohnnyR at AudioConnection in New Jersey appears to be a solid decent retailer that caters to both Musicphiles and Audiophiles and operates from a high ethical standard. I know exactly what game your playing, trying to convey a false misleading perception that a high end product is only good if its available everywhere at the top high end retailers in every major city. For those younger, newer Audiophiles/Musicphiles ignore this bunk from audiotroy. And if you happen live in the New Jersey, central east coast area, give JohnnyR a call at AudioConnection if your in buying mode, JohnnyR can give the run down on the magnificence of Belles, the Rolls Royce of solid state.



Horse hockey. Just for the facts we had auditioned Belles last series of electronics, we broke them in for a week and listened to them.

They were okay at best no magic, no giant killing anything.

We read the Aria review and maybe that piece is really good, we haven't heard the new Aria so no judgement and maybe it is radically better than his older stuff, but if the man is such a genius as you proclaim why was his last series of stuff now being replaced by a newer design?

In terms of how giant killing or how musical, listen to a Unison Research Primo a 75 watt tube hybrid and their larger Unico 50 now the 90.

We had a one time the $5k Luxman 20 Watt pure class A, and the Hegel H200 and the Unison was far better sounding because it was a hybrid.

When you add tubes into a circuit you can combine the musicality of what tubes do with the power and drive and bass control of solid state.

The point is there are many good sounding products. What the issue is your headline and your follow up which is basically saying Belles stuff is better than everyone.

The point is yes the new Aria may be really good, Belles track record has been up and down and he is a tiny, tiny, manufacturer.

We had reservations also due to the esteemed Mr. Belle's age, I think he is in his 70's does he even have a transition plan in place if he crooks? Does he have a partner or children ready to step in and continue to support his products, you might make the same argument with many other high end audio companies, then again maybe not.

Not trying to be down, but when you have an older gentleman building electronics which can break this can be a concern to some people.

The reality Audiozen, is this is a small community, if Belles products killed everything, these would be a lot more people chiming in about their stuff.

As per Mr. M, please grow up, this is not about trolling.

When someone makes a ridiculous statement that product X is the only speaker or amp or whatever is good or is the best, that triggers our agenda radar and Mr. M I am sure it must trigger yours as you would not have come up with your trolling comment.

Mr. M. we sell four reference grade loudspeakers and five if you count the Polymer Audio Research speakers.

On display Kef Blades, Paradigm Persona 9H, Legacy Aeris, Dali Epicon 8, and the Polymers. These speakers all range in price from $25k to $68k.

Which one is the best? Answer they are all great and all different.

If you look at the reviews all of these speakers have been top rated.

My point is beauty and musicality are in the ear of the beholder as well as the solidity of the setup.

Some people love Wilson, some don't some love B&W, some don't and there are of course the Vandy fans and the Vandy non fans.

We would never say that any of our reference speakers are better than any of the others, we prefer them that doesn't mean a particular listener is going to.

So Audiozen, which is better a Mercedes, a BMW, an Audi, a Lexus etc.

Not based on resale, trunk size, repair history, which one is  better?

Answer all of them are great it is a matter of the particular buyer figuring out for themselves which one they like better and for what reason.

So to recap, Belles may be wonderful, is it better than anything else up to the listener to determine.

Good luck to you Mr. M. and Audiozen, just remember there are many good products, nobody builds the best of anything, it is a matter of taste.

Please tell me we are wrong. Or are you better than us?

Dave and Troy

Audio Doctor NJ

Oh by the way Mr. M. we get calls and emails all the time from people who have read our posts and find our perspective refreshing and informative.

Mr. M please stick to the topic as hand. Which is Belles.

Better than anyone else? Nope. Just that Belles sounds better. Truth can be painful. No, Belles won't have the high profit margins as the big mega buck amps costing $20K to $50K. The core reason why many high end retailers don't carry the Belles line, is that these retailer's do not want Belles in their stores, since their amps would embarrass the big boys and jeopardize their high profit margins. And these retailers will always lie and mislead you, trying to convince you that Belles is just another average high end brand on the same level as everyone else, while Belles in the meantime sits quietly on top of Mount Everest.