NOS tubes

My question is this, why are NOS tubes percieved/ or not, said to sound better than newly manufactured ones, with all the new technology and manufacturing techniques and materials you would think the opposite to be true, but then again I guess it’s the same as solid state vs. tubes,
Thank you gentleman for your responses, my question was posed for two reasons1- my own curiosity and 2- a few months ago I bought my first tube amp , and you know what happens after that!- correct, tube rolling questions!!
The new Sophia/Full Music 67SN tubes that are made in China are (IMHO) superior to the many NOS tubes that I have tried in my Atma-Sphere Amps.

These tubes present a wider frequency response and a deeper soundstage.
Although, they are quite pricey at $100 each for a class A rated tube.

So, high quality tubes can be manufactured to perform as good or better than the earlier counterparts. 
But, the market for them is small and I don't see that changing.

What amp did you buy wow?  If you decide to start rolling tubes, it would be best to work with a good tube dealer (Brent Jessee, Andy Bouwman at Vintage Tube Services or Kevin Deal among others) rather than try your luck on ebay.  They can offer educated opinions on which tubes might work for you and you can trust that you are getting what you paid for.  It will save you money in the long run.