Turntable sounds so much better when...

Hi i have a Pioneer pl-510-turntable and when i loosen the screw about a full turn, at the headshell/tonearm connection the sound is Amazingly better!! The Bass tighter then ever...Highs so crisp and Clear...soundstage much improved...im baffled...??!! I have a Denon DL-110 cartridge..PLEASE help me understand..Thank-you Richard

There is no such thing as ''certainty'' in our hobby so the most of

us are gullible. That is to say we believe that ''something else'' is

better than what we already own . This explains the present

prices of the MC carts (among other prices).

Addition, Skeptic A: '' one thing is for sure my friend ;nothing is for sure ''.

Skeptic B: ''Are you sure about that?''

"There is no such thing as 'certainty' in our hobby." 

No, there isn't...at least I'm pretty sure anyway.
Thank-you all gentlemen!! So Great for
You to take the time...And John..wow
I understand what you painstakingly
Wrote for me..And have come to realize
To trust my ears,and to allow that, to be
My final decision, on the music my 
System produces..and to be open
And responsive of the various factors,
Mechanical and Otherwise that gets
It there..Richard
"And have come to realize
To trust my ears,and to allow that, to be
My final decision, on the music my
System produces..and to be open
And responsive of the various factors,
Mechanical and Otherwise that gets
It there."

Here Here! That's Always the most important thing!

Had no reliable way to gauge how much you already knew on the topic per se, although I didn't want to lose others in whatever possible contribution I might be making as well, but I would never presume to try to 'define' all the boundaries of a technical subject, was more hoping to present an array of related ideas at one time for whatever anyone wanted to make of it, is all. My bad if I failed to make that clear!