a basic question on HD

1920 X 1080i or 1080p....as I understand it...if 65" plasma has pixels of 1366X 768 is HD? Does it take advantage of Blu Ray, HD DVD properly? This directly relates to B&O's BeoVision 4. Yes very expensive and better ones out there, I guess. But wanted to ask the question as the dealer kept insisting it would do full HS of 1080i....is this not the same as pixel count. Am I missing something here?
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While I share some of your dismay at the complicated HD market, I strongly
disagree with your deduction from these issues.

First off there are too numerous to list sets that DO accept a true 1080p
signal, all Sony's 1080 TV's do, as do their front projectors. Pioneer even has
1080p plasmas that yes accept a true 1080p/24 signal.

As for sources that output 1080p, perhaps you've missed the bandwagon.....
Your DVD-5910 can even put out 1080p (and is pretty good at it as well I
must say having had one for some time now) and many other DVD players
scale to 1080p as well, not to mention Blu-ray and HD DVD. If you think
these are 'lame' formats and waiting for a side to win, you are losing out on
amazing pictures that dwarf anything else you can get to display on any set,
the new Bond flick 'Casino Royale' sold over 100,000 copies in Blu-ray in only
a few weeks..... I know I onlu bought ONE so there are obviously many more
folks out there with these players.

For my money, if you are buying a new display of any kind and you DON'T
buy a 1080p capable set I think you are foolish as you will want this feature
before your TV dies or you want to buy another one, oh and you don't need
HDMI 1.3 to transmit 1080p, you can easily do it with 1.1.

Sorry for the rant, but I am going to go watch something on my 1080p
capable 70" Sony on one of the five sources I currently have that output
I agree with Kennyt above, having just acquired a Sony 46" 1080p LCD that puts out a magnificent picture. Even in 1080i it makes my 3 yr old rear projection HD Hitachi Director Series look like something from the 60's!