Congratulations. The purpose of a high pass filter is to cut the low frequencies being reproduced by the main speakers. Since the low frequencies pose the biggest demand on both speakers and power amplifier, you make life rather easier for them if you divert that task to a dedicated low frequency unit. However, it also makes integration more difficult because you have to deal with two filters rather than just one. So unless you want the maximum output from the speaker combination, there is a lot to be said for allowing the main speakers to play full range, and only use the subwoofer to fill in below them.
Without having tried your combination I would have thought that 75 Hz is far too high for the low pass filter of the subwoofer in this combination (assuming the main speakers are playing full range). My hunch is that some 40 Hz is a much better ballpark.
My second piece of advice is to only use a subwoofer with an Antimode 8033 or similar system of room equalization. Room modes play havoc with the in-room sound with huge peaks and dips. And their upper harmonics also mess up response at higher frequencies, particularly in smaller rooms. Room eq significantly reduces such room modes. And if you really want to get the best low frequency sound, use a second sub (in mono, and still with room eq). See here:
Without having tried your combination I would have thought that 75 Hz is far too high for the low pass filter of the subwoofer in this combination (assuming the main speakers are playing full range). My hunch is that some 40 Hz is a much better ballpark.
My second piece of advice is to only use a subwoofer with an Antimode 8033 or similar system of room equalization. Room modes play havoc with the in-room sound with huge peaks and dips. And their upper harmonics also mess up response at higher frequencies, particularly in smaller rooms. Room eq significantly reduces such room modes. And if you really want to get the best low frequency sound, use a second sub (in mono, and still with room eq). See here: